Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Missing and broken teeth can severely impact the appearance of your smile, making you self-conscious and robbing you of your self-confidence. Years ago, methods of cosmetically correcting the mouth were limited largely to bridges and dentures, which often didn't appear natural and posed problems for dental hygiene and care. Using state-of-the-art techniques, Drs. Kellogg and Grant offer a better method for improving your appearance--dental implants for Fresno patients.

Why Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial teeth that are permanently inserted into the gums and grafted to the jawbone. Unlike dentures, they can be cleaned just like the rest of your teeth, and they do not require refitting over time. While there are many types of dental implants available, Drs. Kellogg and Grant use only Straumann implants, a Swiss innovation that has a 95 percent success rate when performed by a trained professional.

To ensure that patients get the best possible results, Drs. Kellogg and Grant only use donor tissue from cadavers as a part of the bone grafts, leading to far more natural results.

Choosing Kellogg and Grant for Fresno Dental Implants

Since 1996, the Fresno dental practice of Kellogg and Grant has provided the finest dental care for patients of all ages. Their extensive experience performing dental implant procedures in Fresno assures that you'll not only be pleased with your new smile, but that the procedure will be performed safely and correctly. Drs. Kellogg and Grant use only the latest techniques to perform dental implants in Fresno.

To find out more about how you can correct a damaged smile and replace missing teeth with dental implants, contact us to schedule a Fresno dental implant consultation.

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1879 East Fir Avenue Fresno, CA 93720Get Directions559- 322-6060


Fresno dentists, Rodney Kellogg, DDS and Adam Grant, DDS are dental professionals dedicated to general, family, cosmetic, and orthodontic dentistry with services including dental exams, dental makeovers, teeth whitening, veneers, crowns, x-rays, fluoride, cleanings, and more. Please come and visit Fresno, CA dentists, Rodney Kellogg, DDS and Adam Grant, DDS.

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